Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mad Mike Meets the Fans

He loves meeting the fans. You get that sense as "Mad Mike" walks through the SEMA halls and arrives at the KVH booth with a big smile, a firm handshake, and an abundance of enthusiasm. That same infectious enthusiasm he shows on camera or when calling us asking for a TracVision for the next wreck to be overhauled on Pimp My Ride or a celebrity auction golf cart definitely came through when he met the fans who started lining up before 11 AM.

The first 1 hour autograph session just wrapped up and there were plenty of people on hand to get their photos taken with him, pick up an autographed photo (complete with KVH, TracVision, and TracNet logos), and exit through the KVH booth where they had a chance to see the TracVision and TracNet systems. And I'd be lying if I said that the guys working the KVH booth didn't also line up for some autographed pictures for friends, family, and coworkers. Really, the photos weren't for us...honest.

Mad Mike and his team will be back again in a few hours for more autographs.